Playing sports is very healthy. However, you must prepare your muscles for the physical effort that this entails and relax them after the routine. To achieve this, it is best to apply a good anti-inflammatory cream.
On the other hand, muscle and joint pain, which usually limit your activities, are relieved with anti-inflammation formulas such as anti-inflammatory drugs .
Know about how does an anti-inflammatory cream work?
There are many properties of anti-inflammatory pain relief cream, so they can be effective when treating contractures, bruises, lower back pain, among others. Now, it is best to consult a doctor beforehand to make sure that you use the most appropriate cream or thrombocid , since a cream that can serve one purpose would be useless for another, because not all creams are the same.
In this sense, it is necessary to know that there are anti-inflammatory ointments with a cold effect , mentholthat are effective because they reduce the diameter of the blood vessels, thus helping to reduce inflammation. However, keep in mind that this type of cream is indicated only for:
- Dislocations
- Joint injuries
- Bruises
- Sprains
There are also anti-inflammatory ointments with a heat effect . Its function is to increase blood flow, in this way, they help repair tissues and improve muscle contractures. Because they prevent injuries and prepare the body for exercise, they are a favorite with athletes. They are also used to:
- Lumbar pain
- Muscular stiffness
- Rheumatic pain
- Contractures
- Pain associated with poor posture, such as torticollis
How to use anti-inflammatory cream?
Of course, for these creams to have the desired effect they must be used in the appropriate way, which is generally stated in the package insert that accompanies the product. You also have to be certain that it has not expired.
In any case, the procedure for its application is this:
Clean the affected area . It must be disinfected and dry, so that the product is properly absorbed into the skin.
Apply it to the desired area . It is good to make sure to spread the cream in the area that is needed, to avoid possible reactions in other parts of the skin that do not warrant the application of the ointment.
Massage until the cream penetrates the skin . Massage is required to facilitate the absorption of the ointment, which in turn will reduce inflammation.
Many anti-inflammatory creams offer relief in a short time to the discomfort caused by accidents or of another nature, as it has calming, relaxing, anesthetic and moisturizing effects.
It will be beneficial to everyone if they know the uses and about application of this cream. So one must understand the above clearly so as to apply in day to day life.